How One Girl Boss Vowed To Create Other Girl Bosses To Join Her On The Quest Of Dominating The Beauty Industry.
While we know that Nicole the CEO of My Regal Hair is busy with running her business, we wanted to catch up to see what should we expect in 2018.
We've seen My Regal Hair go through a lot of transitions. What should we expect to see from the brand?
Entrepreneurship is by far my most challenging adventure. Add on two kids and I'm constantly pulling out my hair. In 2018 I'm working on balance. I want to produce more content and engage with my supporters more than I have been in the past. I've realize that I must pace myself....
Has Mac Met Their Match With This New Beauty Brand?
Featuring: Lovengood Lips
CEO, Mary Martin
Written by: LC
Black girl magic has been sprinkling her pink glitter all over the beauty industry. Social media outlets like Instagram, Snapchat, Twitter and even Facebook have allowed black women entrepreneurs to stand tall on these platforms and push their products to consumers who are almost always in search of the next best thing! I was so graciously granted the opportunity to be introduced...
Sexual Assault, Darker Skin, Public Scrutiny..... We're Going to Need More Wine..
Wasted Thousands On Hair Extensions
Between being cheated through the chinese websites, and being fooled by marketing you've roughly spent a little over $3,600.00 a year. Thats on the low end. If you calculate $300 for twelve months that will put you to that $3,600.00 mark, and thats not including the cost of getting your install done. So the thought of purchasing hair, and paying to get it installed for it to tangle and mat is simply absurd.
I would personal visit various hair related groups and get turned off immediately. From people simply misleading group members, to others giving Aliexpress names of vendors they haven't...